
Mac Cuarta (Brian)

Mac Cuarta, Brian, “[Miscellaneous contributions]”, Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Mac Cuarta, Brian, “A settler’s land disputes in a Gaelic lordship: Matthew De Renzy in Delvin Mac Coghlan, 1613-18”, Studia Hibernica 30 (1998–1999): 63–88.
Mac Cuarta, Brian, “A planter's interaction with Gaelic culture: Sir Matthew de Renzy (1577–1634)”, Irish Economic and Social History 20 (1993): 1–17.
Mac Cuarta, Brian, “Conchubhar Mac Bruaideadha and Sir Matthew De Renzy (1577–1634)”, Éigse 27 (1993): 122–126.


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